vrijdag 18 oktober 2013

Sculpture Hans Hovy

Last summer vibe.


Playing around with a camera stabilizer. Shot in less than 2 hours! 
Draax assignment 2 "guilty pleasure''

When going on holidays with a group of friends, you try not to be the outsider that does things differently. You want to adapt a little so you can have fun as a group. I tend to love radler lemonade beer when I'm in total relaxation mode. Most people see it as a pussy beer. A man should drink normal beer, not some lemonade mixture.

Sometime it's better to be different, especially on holidays!

woensdag 2 oktober 2013

'New filmers 3'

A friend of mine organised (together with some other awesome people) an evening where new film makers could show some of their clips in a theatre. He asked if I wanted to show some of my clips at the event.

The audience and the film makers could ask/discuss about the work flow after the movie was played on the big screen. Such a great initiative to boost the film scene in ol' 's-Hertogenbosch.


It's always nice to get feedback from other film enthusiasts.

Daily photographing

Photoshop made me curious

 My 'Layers' working area is getting chaotic

Kikoo inside a human body (spotted in Insel Hombroich)


Workshop wood

including Hannah's finger ))))

I like strawberries

A camera made of a shoebox? (Blanka)

First picture that isn't totally black.

Sculpture (Hans Hovy)

Workshop silk screening

Workshop etching

To be continued..

Workshop metals


Photoshopping (Martin Draax)

My first photoshop approach, working with layers.


Hi world,

Here I'll be posting my daily 'creative' activities.

Richard Hu